On 15/07/2023 Selvaraj was given medical Amount of ₹15000
Selvaraj age (40) 8300986408 from Kulangaraivilai (Mathoor) area in Kumari district, his mother and father died five years ago two siblings and one brother died two years ago. An elder sister is suffering from tuberculosis and is suffering from chronic illness. He lived as a wage earner. He tripped and fell while working and was treated in several hospitals but there was no change. On behalf of Kumari Arakkattalai we inform you that they were given medical Amount on Saturday 15/07/2023 at their home with a check for medical assistance of ₹15000
Kumari Rajendran
Donators List |
Total Payable Amount |
15000.00 |
Total Received Amount |
0 |